Thursday, November 5, 2009

Norwich Terrier

Norwich Terriers are some of the cutest things you've ever seen. It's small, it's cute, it's even loving. But rats beware, these are ratter dogs! And those ratters are the champs of pesky vermin hunting. Rats are huge problems everywhere, obviously.

So when ratters are bred, it's good news. And the Norwich is one of these "miracle-dogs," if you get what I mean. And they were bred in England as ratters in barns. Not really an interesting story? Well, the ears of this terrific terrier are also a part of the breed's history. Did you know at first, the ears on the Norwich would be dropped down and floppy, like a Jack Russell's ears. But then, a century or so after the Norfolk first was bred, the ears were also known to be pointed up like cat. But today, they come in both ear varieties, but typically the pointed-up ones.

This terrier's eyes are a characteristic that make the breed so unique. They are large, very-dark-colored, and very hard to resist. They can look like cartoons. But what else makes this more-terrier like? His high amount of energy. Terriers are among the most energetic and feisty of all 7 of the AKC groups.

Trying to housebreak the Norwich is always a great idea. I mean, he's a terrier after all, so you really need to work with one if you train it alone. That's because the Norwich is independent and easily bored of training. And the coat needs some brushing every few days. The breed will give you up to about 15 or maybe 16 years of fun and love. And because the Norwich is a terrier, it needs daily exercise to release its energy. Energy doesn't get used itself you know. So anyways, just remember that. While great with children, the Norwich terrier does need to be properly socialized with younger children, just in case, because like other small dogs, the Norwich terrier is very fragile and needs lots of attention to health of the skeletal system. But if you want a small, affectionate, cute, funny, cute terrier, this is the dog for you!!!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Chinese Shar-Pei

Chinese Shar-Pei are the beauties of rare dogs. They can be so irresistible! Black, blue, or that yellowish color, this Chinese dog is always what you would expect it to be. But the history of the breed is a little more devastating.

Originating in China, the Shar-Pei was originally a farm, guard, and possibly even dog-fighting breed. Overtime, though, Shar-Pei became less popular in China, sadly. And they required reviving. And then, that started to happen, and people who wanted to save the Shar-Pei went to work, and the breed's popularity grew again. But even today, this is a pretty rare breed. So if you see one, you are actually very lucky.

If you had seen a Shar-Pei, you definitely would've probably been surprised by the breed's looks. The most well-known trait of the Shar-Pei would have to be the coat, which is very soft and fluffy. You see, the words "Shar-Pei," mean "Sand Skin." And that is right. Not only is the coat fluffy, but wrinkly. VERY wrinkly. The wrinkles help to keep the Chinese Shar-Pei's internal organs safe when they would possibly dog fight. So if there's a dog fight with the Shar-Pei, not much damage would probably be easily inflicted to the Shar-Pei! Another trait the Shar-Pei is well-known for is his reputation. Shar-Pei may be irresistible by looks, but these are very territorial breeds, so they make great guarders. Remember because of this, you should tread with caution when first meeting a Shar-Pei. That brings us to the considerations for the Shar-Pei.

This typically independent breed can be stubborn, and therefore require experienced dog owners. The breed just needs a lot of work. Vet bills with the Shar-Pei can be high with the Shar-Pei. The structure of the breed means they have many health issues. But grooming is another concern. The wrinkles must be cleaned thoroughly, and you could bathe them regularly to help. But actually, you don't need to do much besides that. The breed fairs best with adults, but children below the age of 8 should be out of the question. So this is a one-man dog. But if you are the right fit for a Shar-Pei, you may never regret the adoption of a Shar-Pei. Shar-Pei RULE!!!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Pembroke Welsh Corgi

Pembroke Welsh Corgis are some long pooches. Just like the Dachshund and the Basset Hound, this dog's body stretches out a pretty long way. If there had to be some foods in the dog world, Pembroke Welsh Corgis would have to be the sausage!

In fact, the name of the home town for this sausage is as long as its body! It's called "Pembrokeshire," and that is how the breed's history started. The Pembroke Welsh Corgi would herd cattle and sheep, nipping at their ankles to guide them to the right animal pen.

And for a placid-looking small dog, you'd never think that THIS pooch can do such an amazing job. But guess again! The Pembroke Welsh Corgi is so good, that like the Sheltie and Old English Sheepdog, they have a habit of sometimes herding different objects. It can be funny with clothes and dog toys, but then, Pembroke Welsh Corgis start to herd children and toddlers, so you must train them out this habit. Some reasons these dogs are always judged and make people think they can't herd at all, are the short legs, giving the Welsh Corgi a sort of awkward gait at first, but it keeps their muzzles closer to the ankles of cattle, so it can nip them, part of the process of herding cattle. Pembroke Welsh Corgis also have a lack of a tail, some have no tails at all. Breeders decided they weren't a good idea because cows or sheep may accidentally step on the tail, if it was longer, by mistake, maybe leading to some damage. One last characteristic is the pair of ears on the Corgi. They are bat-like, and partially tilted and they stay alert so the Pembroke Welsh Corgi can warn the farmer in case a coyote tries to eat some livestock.

Cardigan Welsh Corgis, different Corgi breeds, are a little different from Pembrokes. They have different eyes, longer tails, and taller heights. Plus, the Cardigan Welsh Corgi isn't as popular as the Pembroke Welsh Corgi.

But Cardigan or Pembroke, both are still cool dogs. Pembrokes, however, are the main subject, so let's go back onto them. They are healthy herders, living maybe up to 15 years! But they require daily exercise, and are happiest at the farm. However, they actually don't care where they do live. But like I said: Wherever you keep them, give them daily exercise, for these dogs are not placid! Grooming requirements are little, unlike the exercise requirements. So on the bright side, grooming bills are low. Now, if you leave them with older children or adults, Pembroke Welsh Corgis are fine, but you shouldn't have toddlers in your household. They may be herded, and that is too much for a toddler. But too much affection, however, is never a such thing, and you'll find it out if you get a Pembroke Welsh Corgi. They are the best!

Friday, October 23, 2009


Rottweilers are the dogs you think of as mean and assertive guard dogs. In fact, they are even illegal in some areas. In fact these dogs kill people, sometimes. But luckily, these attacks are very unlikely, with a Rottweiler, anyways. But Pit Bulls are a different story, but we don't have to know about THAT, anyways.

These dogs originated in Germany as multi-purpose working dogs, where they would pull carts, and herd a LOT! But now these dogs may have other important things to do, like guarding.

These dogs are commonly guarders, and when people first see them, they may be afraid of Rotties. But those people just probably don't know the Rottweiler. They can be gentle giants if trained properly! Some owners may tell you: "There's nothing like the Rottweiler!" And they're onto something. These dogs are various in many ways. Some people neglect Rottweilers because of their cruel reputations, but then, it only turns out that person who's neglecting the dog is the real cruel one. Even if the dog can be mean, it's usually at a good time. Like when an intruder breaks in or if they see a bone just waiting to be chewed on! And anyways, you can't say you hate someone just by looking at them. One time, I looked at a Rottweiler walking with his owner, and I was scared, thinking it was gonna hurt me, but it jumped on me, and started to wag his tail. He was really loyal, actually. Anyways, this is what I mean when I say Rottweilers aren't always mean, vicious pooches. They even protect people. They do make good guard dogs, however, at necessary times.

They have the strongest jaws and massive skulls to produce throbbing bites. And a bite like that is a good weapon against bandits. Also, their large sizes give Rottweilers more power to take down an intruder, and pin him down, and wait at the right time to release the intruder, like if they hear police coming. But it isn't something police dogs are involved in, because Rottweilers usually aren't the right type of police dogs. Leave the caper-solving to the German Shepherd!

Speaking of that you could probably use a guard dog now. If so, consider the following, first. Like health bills. These pooches can be susceptible to skeletal issues, and too many girths can cause this. And grooming bills, on the other hand, would be low, but you may need fur removing tools, just in case your Rottweiler encounters shedding season! If you train a Rottweiler properly at YOUNG AGE and socialize them with children at PUPPY HOOD, then it shouldn't hurt to put Rottweilers and children in the same families. But if your Rottweiler is a loaded gun, then children would be a huge catastrophe with the breed, so experienced owners are advised. But even if they seem aggressive at first, remember, these dogs could be the love-pooch of tomorrow! Because these dogs are everything but against loyalty, and you'll form a huge bond with a Rottweiler if you don't judge him by his reputation! " :-)"

Remember to visit and, too, for more doggie-fun!

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Airedales- Trustworthy, tremendous, terrific terriers that thrive on their owners' attention! Airedales, in case you didn't know, are the largest terriers! They can weigh over 55 pounds! That's heavy for a terrier. But this means the bigger the dog, the bigger the soul, and the Airedale's is soft and sweet. They love their owners, as long as their owners love them. But while these dogs look nice, they have a potential to sometimes, but not very often, guard dogs! So, you the Airedale seems versatile, huh?
But don't worry, the breed's history is pretty straight out. Here's how it happened: Breeders bred a wide assortment of terriers in England. When the final mating was proved successful, Airedales were vermin hunters. They would track down rabbits, badgers, foxes, and even otters! And to this very day, Airedales can still be used as hunting terriers.
They have many cool traits to help them with this. Like powerful speed, for running after vermin. Or that large size to give it more power on larger game. Also, their athletic nature means that the breed is always energetic, just look any typical terrier. But a large bundle of energy means that destruction may occur unless the energy bundle is undone. And if I were you, it'd be done outdoors.
So let them out every day for at least 1 hour or more. For hardiness, the breed is pretty substantial, but sometimes, they let an injury go and ignore it, so by the time it is visible, wounds are likely severe, and bloat, cancer, and displasia. But overall, Airedales live at least 10 years or longer. Airedales have moderately short coats, and must be hand-stripped twice a year, but a lot more times if your Airedale is used for show. And for families, train the Airedale to be nice with kids, and ensure that any kids you have know how to properly be like with an Airedale. So older children and adults are the best owners for this terrier breed. And if you form a strong enough bond between you and an Airedale, your life will be draped the sweet feeling of terrier affection!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


A peppy, ancient, tremendous toy dog, Affenpinschers are never mistaken for any other breed. That cute little moustache and typical black coloration, distincts the Affenpinscher instantly. In fact, they are one of the oldest breeds, according to AKC!
Translated in German as "Monkey Terrier," these cute little companions originated as ratters, and were bred as companions and ratters. And even though the breed is native to Germany, it has flourished to many foreign people's hearts! In fact, mistresses cherished them!
Now, these dogs are commonly distinct as black dogs. However, they can come in red, tan, grey, silver, belge, and even black and tan! The Affenpinscher has a wiry-textured coat that comes up to its head to form the large, schnauzer-like moustache. It's another trait that makes this pinscher so amazingly adorable. The last characteristic is the Affenpinscher's temperament. They love people, and are cheery around foes, so they may be quite persistent and optimistic, and can sometimes run up to a Pit Bull, and think it can "do anything." And you have to train them out of that habit, unless you want your pooch to know he's not a king the hard way.
This dog can be hardy, but has some, not many, but some health problems, like dislocation of the kneecap, common problems in small breeds. But all in all, the Affenpinscher lives for a pretty long time. Brushing is required, because the coat can mat easily due to the wiry coat. But besides that, the Affenpinscher is low maintenance, too. While the Affenpinscher loves to socialize, they don't do well with children, unless they are socialized with the Affenpinscher at puppy hood.
But if that work is accomplished, then this dog is a perfect family and companion for life, or the BPF4L! Best Pinscher Friends 4 life! Overall, these pooches can be the best dog you can rely on for loyalty, companionship, and lots of licking!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


This is the Weimaraner. The grey ghost, the dog with the intelligence of people, whatever you call it, the Weimaraner, A.K.A, the "Weim," is still the one of the most amazing vermin hunters.
They originated in Germany, about 200 years ago, as large game hunters. Things became great with the breed, but when large vermin weren't a huge catastrophe anymore, the Weim became less popular, but then, the solution, birds, came up. Birds were the new trouble of vermin world, and the Weimaraner started to become a multi-purpose vermin hunter! Today, hunting is still the real deal for Weimaraners. And so is exercise.
These dogs are very active, so they can't adjust to suburban or civilized conditions. You must train them to be trusted out of a dog cage whenever you can't watch after the dog, because Weimaraners can't go in the kennel. They don't like it, and if this is not something you can do, don't even think about getting a Weimaraner!
Weimaraners can be "accidentally independent." Here's what I mean. The breed has a short, silvery coat that can blend in with dead prairie grass, making the dog unable to be seen in plain sight. And the dog may not even know he's camouflaged, unless he hears you call for him. So if you ever find out you're Weimaraner is lost, call for him, because he may be camouflaged. This happens a lot to owners, so the Weimaraner got the nickname "Grey Ghost." The breed has a large brain, and is highly intelligent, and an IQ probably greater than the average dog's IQ! So these dogs may outsmart you in ways you would be reluctant to find out about, so experienced owners are recommended.
The short coat of the breed means very, very minimal grooming. So the grooming fees should be minimal, if you compare it to a Shih-Tzus! You may not have a local groomer, though, because if you own a Weimaraner, you must live in the rural world. And in rural environments, places like grooming salons may be pretty far away, obviously. The breed lives an average life span for a dog of 8-12 years, about. And, Weimaraners do best with older families, but if socialized and trained correctly at puppy hood, children ages 5 and older are allowed. But if you got what it takes, you may the next person to get a loyal, loving Weimaraner!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Chesapeake Bay Retriever

Ka-Pow! Ice breaks open as a Chesapeake Bay Retriever drops and crushes through ice, retrieving a water vermin. So what is this about water retrieving and vermin? Why the Chesapeake Bay Retriever, of course! These dogs were literally made for retrieving, water retrieving, that is. These pooches are about the best water-retrievin' kanines there are out there!
The history of these water hunters began when Newfoundlands and water retrievers were supposed to be transferred and shipped to a different country. But the ship had an accident, leaving the dogs cast away! Then, the dogs started breeding. Then, when people discovered the results of these deserted doggies' matings, they took the puppies, and started adding a few final touches to what is now what we know is the Chesapeake Bay Retriever. And it all took place at where you'd most expect it- the Chesapeake Bay. But the mating upgrades I told you about happened in the U.S.A.
Bred with several qualities to help it hunt water vermin, this is the best water retriever out there! One characteristic includes the very soft-textured and weather-resistant coat. Sort of bear like, partially curly, and 100% natural, basically. The colors that the breed comes in are brown, sedge, and a apricot-like color that mimics dead grass. The color of that is- well, Deadgrass! These colors should never be mixed, and only can only be solid.
The breed has a thick tail to help it swim faster while retrieving vermin. They also have a strong breast area to help crush through ice while hunting in colder waters, and avoid the impact. And the last trait of this retrieving hunting hero, is his muscle assortments. The muscles on the breed are strong, and very powerful, and if you look at them, the limb muscles are powerful enough to leap out, and let the Chesapeake Bay Retriever jump further out into lakes. This helps the retriever when in hot pursuit of a water vermin, and to catch up, that jumping power gives the dog a speed boost. So that can be a huge Chesapeake Bay Retriever advantage.
So, you may be inspired by this pooch, but don't just adopt one right away. Get your training mind set up, because the breed is intelligent, but can be surprisingly independent. So experienced dog owners are required. But not much grooming. Just use a brush every so often, and you're good to go. Susceptible to bloat, displacia, and cancer maybe, but when properly cared for, this dog has very few health problems. This breed is recommended with mature families, and just adults, and if socialized at puppy hood, older children. But the age minimum ranges from children 7-9 years old. Toddlers are out of the list only because the Chesapeake Bay Retriever may hurt or dislike them.
But overall, if you have what it takes, such as experience and smarts, and a rural environment, Chesapeake Bay Retriever could be an addition to your amazing family!

Bichon Frise'

What dog is white or cream from head to paw? Is one of the highest maintenance breeds? And one of the few breeds possibly develop at Mediterranean sea? The Bichon Frise'! These lap dogs are the quit essential companion dog! They're loyal and loving, with affection constantly evaporating from its heart and being as if devoted toward its owner! Yep, that's the Bichon's reputation.
These dogs' histories, however, are much more different. Like I said, they developed at the Mediterranean sea. It developed by water dogs, possibly water spaniels. Then, with more breeding, the Bichon was born! Four main traits make the Bichon an amazing companion.
It has a white coloration. In the breed standard, the only qualified colorations are white or cream. But apricot patches near the ears or body. The second distinctive characteristic is the coat. It has a plush and soft texture, and two layers. The undercoat is lush and short. The coat never stops growing. It's bittersweet, though, because while this means no shedding, the coat keeps growing, and needs TONS of attention to cause the prevention of matting and bad condition of the coat. Also, if a Bichon isn't groomed with a puppy cut, they should a hood of fur around their head, as you can see in see in the image above. But the most amazing part of the breed is its soul. It provides tons of companionship, and gives the breed a affectionate and soft-hearted personality. No wonder the breed is popular.
For owners who possess the Bichon, this is what they have to look out for. So if you want this breed, consider the grooming bills. These dogs need tons of care, and need to be groomed once or twice, maybe even 3 times a week! But then, you can always shave the dog and give it a puppy cut, but then it wouldn't be able to used for show. Health is another minor but important concern. The breed may get too hot with its double-layered coat, but this isn't a huge issue in the breed. So overall, they have a long life span. Bichons do well with adult families, and enjoy placid lives, and children are too boisterous and loud for the Bichon Frise'.
But if you are the right owner for this affectionate pooch, you'll never regret adopting one if you choose to. And if you get one, you'll always feel loved by- by a best friend for life!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Chinese Crested

The Chinese Crested is a regal sort of breed. If you think that a dog being hairless doesn't qualify, guess again! They can be sort of graceful. Just look at the picture of this Chinese Crested. And not all of them lack hair. There are two varieties, you see. There's hairless and powder puff.

Hairless ones have virtually, like the Xoloitzincini, Peruvian Inca Orchid, and a regular dog that's been shaved, hairless! But powder puffs were created when the breed's lack of hair was found out to not be controversial in the breed. The puppies during the breed history being bred sometimes were born with hair. That's how the Powder puffs were born. Powder puffs have double-layered, straightened coats. They are absolutely amazing and graceful-looking when they walk. Sometimes, you can't even tell a powder puff Chinese Crested is actually a real Chinese Crested. This is because when people think of Cresteds, they think of hairless dogs.

Hairless Chinese Cresteds are the way the breed got its name. Cresteds are named for the wad of fur that grow on their heads, and to the public, those tufts of fur sort of looked like crests! So, the breed was dubbed the "Chinese Crested."

Chinese Cresteds may not have originated in China, but China may have been the place the breed was upgraded and bred better at. We're not sure, however, about the breed's real history. But even today, these dogs are still the same- All calabunga and cravable!

They need sunscreen in hot climates, but they need winter gear for harsher, frigid weather, so the breed isn't the most durable. Hairless Cresteds are susceptible to Skin problems, dehydrating, knee cap issues, and heart problems. And with mature families, these dogs are great, but if toddlers are part of the situation, that isn't gonna work out. Children may mistreat the Chinese Crested. It's a very fragile creature, and can be sensitive when timid, which they can be around rambunctious children. But if you can suit the dogs needs, then they may be the best friend you've ever had! And maybe even literally!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Boston Terrier

All Americans who are proud of their country, Boston terriers were made for America! The United States is the Boston Terrier's home country, and the place where his history thrived. The nickname of the breed is the "American Gentleman" because of his appearance, which is described in the breed standard as short-haired, flat faced, and compact. And a trait that makes them look fancy is their coloration patterns, that make it look like the Boston Terrier is wearing a fancy black tuxedo or suit.
But these can sometimes more clownish than regal. They may come around and run and romp with you. It may start to go crazy, but they don't bark as much, typically only if they see something. But if you think this is all fun and games so far, check out his history.
In the capital of Massachusetts, Boston, a White English Terrier, named Kate, and a Bulldog, named Judge. The mix resulted in a fighting dog! But now that it has been bred down to a loyal acquaintance pooch, the Boston Terrier is one of the most popular breeds in America.
Another popular breed, the French Bulldog, is sometimes mistaken for a Boston Terrier. You can usually tell them apart by two ways: size and coloration. Boston Terriers are slightly larger than Frenchies. Frenchies are, well, slightly SMALLER than Bostons. Also, about coloration, Bostons are usually Brindle, Black, or seal with white markings and patterns. Frenchies come in a wider variety of colors. So if you study the two apart for a good amount of time, you pretty much distinct them apart.
Boston Terriers are like some other breeds, Brachycephalic. So they have traits like flat faces, bulgy eyes, and large heads. Bostons have bat-like ears, wrinkled faces, and short tails. If you want a Boston, be considerate.
They can shed a lot occasionally, so brush off loose fur. Ear cleaning and nail clipping is efficient but is required every so often. The breed has some problems with health, like proptosis, respiratory issues, skin, eye, and kneecap problems. But these companions sure know how to make the years go on fast! You'll never feel lonely while accompanied by the Boston terrier! So that's why you'd better find one fast if you're considering adopting one, because they are always selling out due to their loyalty!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Chow Chow

The Chow is a very special spitz. There is much to know about him. He has that weird flap of skin sort of fold over skull. It gives him a weird appearence. Some think it's peculiar and gaudy, and others say it's cute and irresistable. But if you saw this dog's history, you'd be astonished.
Even though little is known about Chows' histories, some think that it may have bred as hunting dog. Others say it was a dog bred to be on the menu. This is because back then, eating cooked dogs was a common thing in ancient China, where the breed's origin is said to be traced to. But either a meat or hunter, the Chow is all woo-woo, loo-loo and bow-wow to people who desire the breed.
Anyway, we don't have proof that Chows are Chinese, but there is a piece of evidence of the breed that shows it may be Chinese. It has a blue-black toungue. Only Shar Pei and Chows have it. And Shar Pei are Chinese, and they have the blackish toungue, so maybe the Chow is Chinese. Other traits that just make the breed unique are plentiful. There's those petite, alert ears, and that double-layered coat. One coat is rough,
and the other is short. This makes the dog easily over heat, so cool him off in warmer climates.
Some other things to keep in mind is that this dog is a major nipper. This breed sometimes can be mouthy, so they need to be trained out of that. Training is no easy feat, because Chows are extremely independant. They need daily exercise, and msut be groomed once every 2 weeks or so. The breed is very aloof and assertive, so they fair best as a one-man dog. But as long as you see the plus side Chow, you'll never regret adopting one!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


The Havanese is the true king of small dogs. They're very brave and constantly overjoyed. It's just so hard to find an angry Havanese. The breed and its joy started out in Cuba. Like the Frenchies, Havanese were bred to be companions for Cuban people. Back then, these dogs were known as Havana Silk Dogs. This is because the breed had a very silky coat. The breed was then called Havanese for short. This is the national dog of Cuba, and Cuba's only breed.
Now that Havanese are revered, they are becoming more popular throughout the U.S. They can be pretty expensive, however, because it's hard to breed a high-quality Havanese. They are also starting to become uncommon in their native country. So you may spend big bucks on this aristocratic companion.
But they are very gorgeous to look at. They have long, silky coats, which they are very famous for. Havanese also have medium-sized heads, that gives them a graceful, but yet clownish appearance. Lastly, these dogs have a small "beard" under their muzzle. So maybe this dog is pretty confusing But they still are fun.
They love to be with you. However, the breed does best with older children. They are harder to groom than most other breeds. But Havanese live for a long time. They need daily exercise, so waking them every day is required. But as long as they're with you, Havanese are happy anytime, anywhere!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Rhodesian Ridgeback

The Rhodesian Ridgeback is the athlete of the dog world. They are athletic, hardy, and brave. Being brave is very important if you're a Rhodesian. If your a lion, then seeing the breed itself is bad enough. The Rhodesian Ridgeback, or the African Lion Hound, was bred to hunt down LIONS. A dog killing a lion? Yep, it's true. You see, in South Africa, Hottentots mixed many breeds like greyhounds, mastiffs, Great Danes, and maybe even Bloodhounds! The Hottentots created a dog with a ridged back, with fur growing backwards on the back.
If the ridge isn't there, than the breed doesn't follow his standard. The lack of a ridge is a disqualification in this hound's standard. This breed's ridged back helps him with his athleticism. It keeps his gait powerful, making for great speed. The Rhodesian Ridgeback has compact paws with very thick pads that helped keep the hound's feet protected from rough terrain on rough African plains. This is only one of 2 breeds with a ridged back. Thai Ridgebacks also have ridged backs. But anyways, to conclude the traits, large lungs hep the dog stay ore energetic when running.
You see, that athletic nature is why these dogs are best in the country. They need daily exercise, and city living sucks for the Rhodesian. So no cities for Rhodesians! This dog is prone to dermoid sinus, so he has some issues. Older children are best or the breed, but overall, this dog will be the best dog ever for you to have when you adopt one! (Please do so. Not required, but we want you to!)

Japanese Chin

If there's a dog that matches the words cute, cuddly, and an awesome apartment dog, the Chin is the certain dog. The Japanese Chin originated in Japan where it was sacred, as a former companion dog. They would warm the laps of aristocratic kings and queens. Japanese Chins have a history far better than the Basenji's, but they still have a bad part to their history. Other people who weren't royal were not allowed to own one. So if the Chin saw a poor hobo on the street that it loved, it couldn't stay with it. But life proceeds on, even with the Chins.
These dogs used to be called the Japanese Spaniel, but then people decided that the "Japanese Spaniel's" name should be changed to "Japanese Chin" during the late 1970's.
These lap dogs are popular because they look so cute with their flat faces. This makes the face compact. The eyes, however, are pretty large. The coat is long, and going in all crazy directions unless thoroughly groomed regularly. While the coat comes in black in white more often, red and white Chins are accepted in the AKC breed standard. The paws of this breed are cat-like: small and compact. All of these traits make the breed cute.
They're so cute, you may want one. But remember all of the care requirements. Chins love to please. But they require extra grooming. Not minimal grooming, nor normal grooming, but not a ton either. In between all of those is the breed's grooming requirements. These dogs may be susceptible to respiratory problems, but they do great with young children. Not toddlers, but children aged 4 and older. But either adult or child, the Chin will provide your life with tons of unique love! Love the world never knew existed! That's the power of the Japanese Chin!

Friday, August 21, 2009


Basenjis are tough dogs that have been through a lot of bad things. They are said to be "barkless." And that's true. Basenjis don't bark at all, for they can't, but they do make the other usual dog sounds. Being barkless is one thing, but this dog's history is partially cruel. The breed is said to have originated in Egypt. However, the breed was then delivered to Central Africa, where they were vermin hunters. Then, an attempt to deliver Basenjis to Great Britain was made. But due to aggression, the Basenjis that were going to be sent to England were killed. Then, on the second try, the breed flourished to England. Some individuals were sent to North America, but one named Boris was killed due to too much aggression. Now, the breed has recovered from his life of cruelty.
These hounds are very old dogs. But they still come with all of their special assorted traits. The breed has a short coat, large head, and 2 pairs of compact paws. And let's not forget the curled up tail with a white tip.
These dogs do well anywhere, but require daily exercise. They have a few health issues, but not a ton. And they are very clean dogs, and require almost no grooming. Having a Basenji may mean a bad watchdog, but it also means a special hound that went through a lot of deaths just to make it to your country. What an amazing dog!

Afghan Hound

Afghans are an aristocratic, graceful hound. This hound is a very striking dog. There's just something distinctive about that dog that nobody can describe. Maybe Afghan people could. This dog likely was an Afghan dog bred to bring down large vermin. The Afghan then was pretty common. But when wars came, Afghans were killed for their coats to protect Afghan soldiers. And then, the breed became extinct. Totally extinct. But then the breed was brought back to life when it was revived by Scottish breeders. Now, the Afghan Hound is just a plain cool pooch.
They have one of those long muzzles, giving way to a snobbishly regal look. Another Afghan Hound trait is the long, silky coat. This coat is feathered and feels like silk, and makes the dog look dramatically aristocratic. But unlike kings, who just sits there in a throne all day, the Afghan Hound runs in fields all day. Yep, these are one of those athletic, energetic dogs. This makes them unideal for city loving. Only in rural environments does the Afghan Hound thrive in. And the breed's athletic nature presents the usual active dog problems, like displacia and bloat. The coat requires regular grooming. Afghans do best with older children and adults, but for those who can care for the dog, they'll be so loving, a toddler would be acceptable with an Afghan. So if you give the Afghan care, he'll give you love! Hound love, that is!


The Pekingese is a small, flat faced, long haired, luxurious pooch that is a certainty to possess. Just ask the Chinese people. In ancient China, this breed was so loved, it became sacred. Now, anyone can own a Pekingese, even if they aren't rich and royal people. The Pekingese is very recognizable. They have a very, very long coat, and very, very flat face. It's no wonder these dogs are so obvious.
That long coat has 2 layers, and both of them are very long. That coat is extremely high maintenance, especially if the dog is used for show. The flat face is typically black. Pekingese, just like Chins, Pugs, and Bulldogs are brakesiphalec. That means that they have wrinkles, and respiratory issues. The trait that doesn't infect the low maintenance or healthy part of the breed are the ears. They are medium in length, and long and silky.
While the ears don't do damage, the double layered coat and flat face do. It makes Pekingese overheat more easily than pugs and bulldogs can. So unless you have a cold climate in your area, you shouldn't possess the Pekingese. These dogs also require daily walks. They are also very hard to groom, so you are going to see that you're grooming bills are very high when you get this breed. But overall, Pekingese are cute, happy, and just plain loving!

Tosa Inu

The Tosa Inu is a dog that is certainly the ultimate fighting dog. They are a very uncommon breed. Not amused yet? Well, maybe you'll be amused to find out more info about the Tosa. They are also known as the Tosa, Tosa Fighting dog, and the Tosa's Inu. The breed originated in Japan, when dog fighting was a legal, popular sport. These dogs were bred to do that exact thing, and they often won the fight. But there is sad news.
Because dog fighting is currently forbidden today, Tosa Inus are near extinction. And these dogs are naturally assertive dog breeds, so many people don't understand the breed. That results as Tosa Inus being in many animal shelters, where they typically aren't adopted, and put to sleep. It's really sad, but those who do understand Tosas are making attempts to revive the breed, and hope that many Tosa Inu rescue clubs increase the population of Tosa Inus. Now, Tosa Inus are starting to come back again!
If you ever do see a Tosa, you may see some wrinkly skin. Those wrinkled made protected the Tosa's internal organs from injury. And the breed's large size made him harder for rival dogs to bring him down.
Right now, the dog isn't really connected to most people, but for people who understand the Tosa Inu, there are considerations. These dogs are stubborn and require experienced dog owners. They are moderate grooming dogs, for the many wrinkles need daily cleaning. Some health concerns are a problem in the breed, and Tosas do well with adults, but not children. But overall, if you give the Tosa a chance, he become the star dog of tomorrow!

Shetland Sheepdog

Mostly called the "Sheltie" for short, the Shetland Sheepdog is what you would think is a smaller version of the Collie that works a lot. And you're right. They are an intelligent dog that was used to herd livestock. It was a chore that someone had to do, and the Sheltie was the chosen one. But the breed didn't mind. They don't mind almost anything that's thrown at them, even today. In fact, now, this dog is pretty self-contained. Maybe that explains why they're one of the most popular breeds.
This sheepdog has a fun side to it. It'll herd stuff like assorted clothes lying on the floor. It's pretty funny to witness a dog try to round up pieces of clothes. And these dogs have a heroic side to them. Sheties like to protect their families. So if they see an intruder, they'll try to warn you by barking loudly and repeatedly. It's no wonder these pooches are so popular!
They have 5 traits that make them an obvious breed. They have a long muzzle and a compact skull, making them look like a cute kanine! The other 3 traits are their long, rough coats, medium, alert ears, and a coloration that is usually white, black, and tan. If you want this breed, remember the considerations and care requirements for them.
They have a life span of 10-14 years or longer, so the money that you spend at the vet won't be a lot. But the money that you'll spend at the groomer's will be a lot, as Shelties are high maintenance. But a good thing is that this dog, like the poodle and the lab, is one of the most successful dogs for obedience. So they love to please you. And these dogs are great with any family, but they may try to herd toddlers, so train the Sheltie out of that habit. As long as you walk it daily, Shelties will go good in any community, in any climate. Furthermore, the Sheltie will become a special addition to any one's life and unless you hate lots of affection and attention, the Sheltie may be the best dog you've ever had!

Minature Pinscher

The Miniature Pinscher is a small, energetic, fun-loving dog that is certainly a graceful small dog. Referred to as the "King of Toy dogs," Miniature Pinschers have many nicknames. The red ones are earn the nickname "Neh," by Germans. Other nicknames that include Zwergpinscher, (means Dwarf Biter) Min Pin, and Miniature Terrier, in English terms. Why Miniature terrier in English terms? Because in German, Pinscher means terrier. So basically, these guys are part terrier.
They come from Germany. They were likely ratters at barns. They would scare off rats that may spread major diseases to livestock and cattle. Today, these dogs are typically just a fun-loving companion.
Like most tednacious small dogs, Minature Pinschers think they are dominant. So they'll decide that they can take on anything, even if it's an aggressive Doberman! And obviously, the Miniature Pinscher would lose against that Doberman. So you have to keep a close eye on them.
Speaking of Dobermans, did you know that this dog's ancestors are likely Italian greyhounds and German pinschers? These dogs aren't even closely related, not even a teensy-bit related to the Doberman. But they look like. They both have large, alert ears, very short coats, and muscular bodies. But they still aren't closely related.
These dogs do have some health issues, but very few of them. They have a long life span compared to most other breeds. This Pinscher is best with mature families or singles, as children are too rough for the breed. Min Pins are best in climates that aren't too hot or too cold. Despite the small size, this pinscher isn't a lap dog. He requires a lot of daily exercise, and some attention, as if they are in the First-Class dog heaven or something. That may seem like a lot of extra care, but at least it give you a lot of time to do things- things like forming closer bonds. Bonds that stay for life!

Irish Setter

If you want a medium-sized, reliable, energetic, aristocratic dog, the Irish Setter is a good match. These dogs are fun and said to be "clownish" at times. But they think they're humoring you. It's funny once you get what's happening. But what to us is a devoted companion, to a vermin, the Irish Setter is a living nightmare! This starts the breed history.
It took place in Ireland. It's likely that after Irish Water Spaniels, Irish Terriers, English Setters, Gordon Setters, Spaniels, and Pointers were mixed, the Irish Setter was put to work. They would point out, kill, or chase off vermin of all kinds. But Irish Setters were originally red and white, not red. The white coloration was made so hunters could spot the dog more easily. Today, Red Irish Setters may be more popular than red and whites, but they're both the same fun-lovin' breed! Irish Setters join Glen of Imaals, Kerry Blues, Irish terriers and Wheatens in the Irish dog group.
Probably the most recognizable of all the setters, Irish Setters are popular for their long, silky coats, graceful dispositions and medium-sized ears.
The Irish Setter requires mainly regular grooming, mostly brushing. They are energetic and do not fair well in city or suburban living. They require lots of daily exercise. These breeds are prone to cancer, heart problems, displacia, bloat, and other normal health issues for medium breeds. But all in all, the Irish Setter is the type of dog that anyone could see is a loyal friend for anyone to love, and the same goes for the Irish Setters!

Thursday, August 20, 2009


The Pomeranian is a lovable, compact, fluffy Spitz breed that is just so cute. It's just so hard to go without 10 seconds without looking at a Pomeranian and fall for it like a ton of bricks. But originally, these weren't pocket pooches. They were larger in size at first, and during that time, Pomeranians were herding dogs, rounding up herds of cattle and other livestock. In Pomerania, the breed was bred to be a smaller companion dog. English Queen Victoria fell in love with the Pomeranian, and the popularity of the breed kept expanding.
A long, double-layered coat covers the Pomeranian's body shape, but that makes them pretty cute. They have compact muzzles, black eyes, and small, alert ears. Pomeranians come from the Spitz-type dog family, and that includes the Chow Chow, Husky, Alaskan Malamute, Hokkaido, Akita, Japanese Spitz, German Spitz, Eurasian, Keeshond, German Wolfspitz and other dog breeds.
These dogs may look cute but they'll take advantage of that, and think that you can be easily outsmarted. They are independent, and do what they want to do. And they need a lot of grooming. If you can't handle high grooming bills than you shouldn't have a Pomeranian. Pomeranians can overheat easily and fair best in colder climates. But they do make good family dogs. If you understand the Pomeranian, than the Pomeranian will understand you.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

These dogs are aristocratic spaniels. They were popular with King Charles I and King Charles II. These spaniels looked very different during the antiquity times. In fact, they were bred with a completely new look, after someone decided to revive the breed, as it was very uncommon due to the lack of popularity. The lack of popularity in the breed was thanks to when other breeds captured the heart with the kings better than the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel did. Now that the breed's look when it first started out is no longer around, people are now used to the new look. It has many characteristics, such as a feathered coat.
The feathering is long, silky, and easily prone to matting. Another trait includes those large, floppy, tear-shaped ears. Cocker Spaniels have the same ears. This is a pretty unique coincidence between those 2 dogs. Cavalier King Charles Spaniels also have short muzzles, and compact skulls, and that complete with dark, cute, eyes makes the breed so irresistible! The cute look matches a disposition that is loving, gentle, and placid-natured. Because of this, many call the breed the "Love Sponge of Dogs!"
Also, this is one of the best family dogs, but the breed is fragile like many other small dogs, so children about 4 years old and up are best with the breed if you have kids. This may not be a sporting breed, but it is a spaniel, and like most spaniels, the Cavalier King Charles needs some regular walks, possibly every other day is fine. Moderate brushing is the only grooming concern in the breed, but it doesn't need trimming. So overall, these spaniels are beautiful, cute, sweet, smart, and best of all, a pooch that's fit for a king and for a major dog lover!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier

Meet the Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier, a true working terrier. He was Ireland's multi-purpose dog. This begins the breed's history. It was bred in Ireland to be a multi-purpose working dog. Some tasks included scaring off vermin, herding, and of course providing their masters with affection and love! Today, it seems that this is a pretty lovable terrier.
They're easy-going, self-contained, and outgoing. It's easy to see how the breed got its name. It's a terrier with wheaten-colored coat with a soft, plush texture. That coat is actually softer than it looks. But the coloration is a little different when the Wheaten Terrier is a Puppy. They have a dark honeyish sort of color. As a former terrier, this breed is energetic. But he doesn't require as much space and exercise as most other terriers. Some new wheaten terrier owners would probably be shocked to hear that, because the breed is medium-sized.
This dog doesn't only have a loving nature, soft coat, and wheaten color, but he also has a fau, and that is the place where matting is pretty common.
But overall, they are moderate grooming dog. Like most terriers, they must be hand stripped. Be sure to give them some exercise daily, and it'll be fine in any climate. Yeah, this dog is certainly amazing, and as long as you provide him with good care, the Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier will provide you with tons of thoroughly fun loving affection!


Newfoundlands are an awesome breed. They're like a human lifeguard. They have saved several people who were in trouble in water for a while. Newfoundlands come from... Newfoundland. There they would do many lifeguard-related tasks. This breed is a pure water dog with many helpful traits to make him a kanine lifeguard.
Webbed feet helps improve the Newfie's swimming qualities, and that is pretty useful if you're trying to save drowning people in water. They also have one of those soft mouths. This was important because the Newfoundland has to grab the struggling swimmer with his mouth, but in order not to hurt the victim in their grip, the mouth needs that soft texture. The victim won't feel any pain at all. The legs are strong and are specially designed for a special swimming technique. It's not similar to the doggie paddle. Basically, it's an advanced version of moving the front legs up and down. There's a lot more to it, though. But let's not go there. Finally, the Newfoundland possesses an oily, double-layered, natural, weather resistant coat. This is helpful because it protects them from freezing water temperatures. That coat comes darkish- brown, black, and black and white.
If you want this dog, give him some space. They are pretty large dogs. And they drool a lot and shed heavily, so they may be a bad dog for a neat person. They also have several health problems. They can overheat very easily, and that can be sad because Newfies are such a loyal dog. But the breed still has one strong thing about him- plenty of loyalty and love to share with you!

German Shepherd

German Shepherds are graceful dogs that are persistent to do whatever their master wants them to do. One German Shepherd starred in an old Hollywood movie called RinTinTin. It was very popular when it first aired. German Shepherds are obviously a German breed. But now that the breed has flourished, it has come a long way from its origin.
Most German Shepherds will try hard to protect their owners. So if you encounter an aggressive German Shepherd that you don't know, be extremely cautious. What helps the German Shepherd be a good guard dog is his bite. It's one of the strongest bites. The mouth is contained with over 35 powerful jaws. And the large size of this breed easily helps him with guarding power. But the Pit Bull is still the #1 guard dog.
German Shepherds have long coats that come in black and tan, black, and white. Their ears are fully pricked up and are alert. They also have a long muzzle with a powerful nose.
Because German Shepherds are loyal and brave, they are probably the most popular police dog. They chase and bring down bandits and sniff out bombs and drugs. They are a very helpful breed with that job. Some served as war dogs in World Wars I and II.
German Shepherds are hardy and tough dogs that have some health issues. Because they have long hair, German Shepherds are extremely heavy shedders. However, if you socialized the breed with children early, they'll make good family pets. Overall these loyal, large, persistent, brave, heroic dogs will ensure you everything but bad things!

Jack Russell Terrier

Jack Russell Terriers, A.K.A the Parson Russell terrier, is a true terrier. That means he's bouncy, hyper, energetic, and crazy. First bred in England, Jack Russell Terriers originally had a job to bring down foxes. It isn't the easiest thing to find Jack Russells hunting down foxes today, though. These terriers are crazy. An example of this is when these guys are alarmed or hear an odd sound, they'll bounce up couches, they'll jump on top of tables, and they'll bark for couple of minutes. But sometimes it's funny to see them do that.
This terrier comes in a plush, wiry coat variety, and a smooth, short coat variety. Like most terriers, Jack Russells have "V" shaped ears. The tail is slightly medium in length. The final trait of this terrier is his courage. He's so brave because if he wasn't, he wouldn't be that good at fox hunting.
If you want this dog, be careful. They will outsmart you easily, and they do it on purpose. And when they know you can't handle it, they start to get naughty. They'll be a major havoc. This is why first-time owners should NOT have a Jack Russell terrier. Despite the breed's small size, he is very energetic. Daily exercise and running space is required for the breed. Jack Russell terriers do best with older children and adults. But overall, as long as you can handle them, the Jack Russell terrier could become the next dog in your life!

Basset Hound

Basset hounds are the ultimate scent hound. Their nose is one of the most powerful of all breeds. The only breed with a better sense of smell is the Bloodhound. But Bassets are still awesome. What isn't to love about them? If you like swimming with your dog that question is easy to answer. Bassets have very heavy bones, so they can't swim. A backyard pool is a major safety hazard if you own a Basset hound, so be alert about this.
These dogs love to follow scents. The long, droopy ears serve as radar sweepers. Compact, short legs, and large, big paws help the Bassets a lot. It makes it easier for the dog to bring his nose closer to the ground, and that's where the scent trail is located. This hound has a long body. It's probably longer than a Dachshund's!
These hounds love people, and people love them back. But Bassets and Basset owners hate all of the health issues. Ear infections, eye problems, leg problems, spinal problems, and other health issues galore! And like other hounds, Basset Hounds will role around in the scents that they encounter, so extra bathing is required. A loving, scent-loving, clownish hound, the Basset Hound will make you're life astonishing to the extremes!


The Pug- a classical, fun-loving, cute dog that captures the heart of the dog lovers everywhere. Many people call the Pug irresistable. This is a small, flat faced, curly tailed, loving dog that comes from China. They were a lot larger in size when they were first bred. Now, these are small, popular pooches.
It's hard not to love the Pug. People who hate them are extremely rare. It's hard to know why Pugs are so popular. Maybe it's the curled up tail. In the breed standard, the tail requires two curls. Another trait humans probably love Pugs for is the brakesiphalec face. That means Pugs have flat faces. The eyes are large and bulgy. This makes Pugs ideal for getting proptosis. The last trait is the short coat. It comes in many shades of fawn, and black.
Pugs can overheat easily. Respiratory issues, spinal problems, and skin irritations are some of the moderate amount of health concerns for the breed. Like most dogs with wrinkled faces, you must use a rag to clean the folds. This is a daily chore for Pug owners. Pugs are fragile, so as long as you don't rough house with them, Pugs do well with young and old children. But wether you're single or married or family, you'll have fun with a Pug no matter what happens!


The Puli is a stubborn, tough herding dog. It may look small, but he is an active breed. If you think you like the Puli so far, you may wonder where he comes from. Pulis originated in Hungary. They would herd shepherds' sheep. Back then at those times, Pulis were found everywhere in Hungary's rural areas. But then, something terrible happened. The Puli's popularity somehow decreased. It was about to go extinct. Then, the breed was revived. And if the breed wasn't revived, then this post wouldn't be here.
Even though Pulis aren't close to the top of the popularity list, they're still amazing dogs. Probably the most obvious trait of this breed is the coat. They are grown into long, straight dreadlocks. Pulis aren't the only dogs with dreadlocks. Corded Poodles and Komondors both have dreadlocks, too. The tail curls up onto the back. And then there's the Pui coloration. This dog is best known in black, but he also comes in rust, and white.
Pulis should be kept in the country, as they are active, energetic, and feisty. Pulis are notoriously independent, and require experienced trainers, and are best with adults. But overall, as long as Pulis are happy, they may become the best friend you have ever had!

Doberman Pinscher

Doberman Pinschers are Hollywood's favorite villain dog. In reality, they can be villain-like sometimes. And if you lived in Germany when the Doberman was first created, then he was a loaded gun! Mr. Dobermann, a tax collector, bred the Doberman to be a fierce guard dog to prevent bandits from stealing the cash. Dobermans are a large dog that today still guards some people's homes.
One of the smartest breeds, the Doberman is probably the largest of all the pinschers. If trained properly, however, Dobermans can be a gentle giant. But it is still wise to be cautious around Dobermans. They have been known to injure and possibly kill people.
Ears on the breed that are large, and alert give it a fierce appearance. The breed's body is very muscular and strong, but the skeleton is weak. The bones are often the first to go, but Dobermans can overheat, get bloat, displacia, get too cold, and get dental problems.
If you prefer to have a nice dog, you'll have to train a Doberman not to be protective, and that is easy, but experienced owners do best with the breed due to safety reasons. If you train him hard, and put your efforts into socializing him, the Doberman will be your life's most important animal!


The Collie is a revered herding dog that is well-suited toward any one's liking. Very intelligent, loving, loyal, and outgoing, Collies are a popular pooch no matter where you go. Collies were likely bred to do farm chores, especially herding. But that is only the beginning of the Collie.
In the present, right now, Collie's are still a beloved breed. People seem to cherish Collies because they form strong bonds. Collies would do anything for their masters. This breed has a coat that is typically rough and long, but smooth collies are common, too.
The ears are compact, and have a slight fold at the tip. The muzzle is long, and the back is well-arched.
Collies are special because they are so smart. They're very easy to train and teach tricks to. But they are heavy shedders, and very high maintenance. But luckily, loyalty is the Collies strength. And if you are devoted to your Collie, he'll love you back.


Anyone who owns a Bloodhound certainly knows what a powerful nose is. That certain nose belongs to the Bloodhound, the dog with a sense of smell that is stronger than any other breed. Bloodhounds are one of those scent hounds. Scent hounds are hounds that work by using their nose to find things. The Bloodhound is the largest of all the scent hounds. It's also one of the oldest. Some of the first Bloodhounds were located in Europe.
But today, Bloodhounds are welcome in many places in many countries. However, if you dislike slobber and drool, you probably won't bond with a Bloodhound that easily. One Bloodhound holds the record for the longest dog ears. Each ear measured over 1 foot! That's pretty long.
So you may wonder why Bloodhounds have a powerful nose. The aroma that the Bloodhound is smelling is put into the nose mucus. There is tons of it, way more than in a human's nose. That information is sent to the old scent bulb. Bloodhounds' scent bulbs are as big as a tissue sheet. Humans' are only as big as a button.
Smell is one thing about this hound, but one thing is where he'll go. If you think you're gonna go on a walk with a Bloodhound, they'll end up walking you. Bloodhounds will follow a scent no matter where it leads. So he'll roll in it. So he'll need to be bathed a lot.
And the wrinkles require lots of cleaning. If you want a large, slobbery, smelling friend, then the Bloodhound is what you need.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Beagles are a popular hound that the world has known to fall in love with easily. The logo of Metlife, (Snoopy,) and Charlie Brown's dog,(also Snoopy,) is a Beagle. In England, the Beagle was used as a wild game and vermin hunting dog. Many traits were acquired in the breed that made him a true hunting hound.
One common, but random trait is that the Beagle's coloration is usually a combo of black, copper, and white. Like most hunting hounds, Beagles have a white tip at their tail just in case they got lost on a hunt. The hunter could spot the Beagle more easily through thick deciduous biomes. Or, plan B could be used. If the dog was lost, it could just howl loudly. It was easy for a hunter to know that a Beagle was missing. Being able to bark loudly is a good ability for any hunting dog. The nose of this dog has strong smelling power. A Beagle may end up following a scent anywhere, even in the street. So keep Beagles on a leash @ all times.
Some Beagles are bedbug trackers to help exterminators know where all the insects hide. Bedbugs are elusive insects, for they can hide far beyond your bed.
If your Beagle is not a hunter, nor a bug finder, then you'll have to bathe it a lot. The reason for that is because Beagles may roll around in scents, and they do it way more than once. But if that bathing doesn't bother you, than a Beagle may end up being your next best friend!

St. Bernard

St. Bernards are dogs that capture the imaginations of many easily. The small, wooden barrel that they wear has nothing to do with reality. It's just a perception. But what isn't false about this breed is that he belongs in the frigid Swiss mountains.
Bred to save people buried in snow after avalanches, the St. Bernard is a literal life saver. This dog is part of the mastiff family. Like most mastiff-like dogs, St. Bernards are not small. They are huge. Large. LARGE. LARGE LARGE. Okay, we're getting carried away.
So anyways, St. Bernards have droopy jowls, and that gives way for drool. Lots of it. Hopefully, if you have a St. Bernard, you'll have a drool rat. This dog has a double-layered coat that is natural, and weather resistant. That explains why the breed doesn't mind the cold. Famous for saving people buried in snow, the St. Bernard is a hero in all cold climates. Large paws help these "HeroPooches" rip through thick snow. St. Bernards' large size was vital to give the dog power. To smell trapped victims concealed under snow, St. Bernards have an excellent sense of smell. They can smell through 2 feet under snow! No wonder this dog is so revered!
In most areas of the world, snowy mountains aren't common, but that shouldn't be a problem. Or is it? The thick coat that St. Bernards possess easily make them overheat. The breed can also be prone to many other health issues.
But love is the thing where St. Bernards are second to none. ..........................................................
Well what're you waiting for? If you think you're able to, get your St. Bernard now!


Greyhounds are a medium-sized hound that knows only 1 thing: Speed is everything. They are faster than any other dog breed. In some places, they race greyhounds. Contrary to the sport's excitement, racing this breed is a forbidden game in some places.
This breed is one of the oldest breeds ever known. Evidence of this breed has been found almost in every place on the globe. It's most likely that Greyhounds originated in Egypt. There, it was possibly a mummified dog because Egyptians thought it would protect the dead in their afterlife. In the 9th century, Greyhounds were possibly dogs that scared off vermin of all kinds, typically hares.
Earlier, the Greyhound's speed was described. The secret to the speed is the Greyhound's gait. It's like a leaping gait, with 3 stages. First, as the dog speeds into action, his legs are tucked upwards toward the belly. Next, the front and back legs drop toward the ground, and the hound pushes on the ground to leap up in the air. Finally, the legs extend straight out. So straight, it's almost like a perfectly straight line! Those 3 steps are combined, then repeated until the dog comes to a stop. Now, this breed is so fast, that he is the 3rd fastest land animal! The Greyhound's smaller cousin, the Whippet, is almost as fast. He has the same gait, but a smaller size.
The Greyhound is said to be a typical hound, so he is stubborn. With a short coat, Greyhounds are extremely low maintenance. Bloating is about the only major health issue in the breed. That means you'll have lots of years of love and loyalty. Though the Greyhound is fast, when he's done exercising, he'll cuddle with you on the couch all afternoon!

Yorkshire Terrier

The Yorkshire Terrier, commonly called "the Yorkie," for short, is a feisty, fearless, fun-loving terrier. Some say it looks like a dog that a queen or princess would have. Basically, they're describing the breed as aristocratic. So you would have to shocked to find out that Yorkies were originally bred in England to chase mice and rats. At least today, they are the most popular small dog
This terrier doesn't shed. But that means the coat never stops growing. If that coat is neglected for too long, it will be all matted and curled and unorganized. Yorkies sometimes get Pharyngeal Gag Reflex. Don't worry, it's not deadly. But grooming can be deadly if you show this dog. If you don't use a Yorkie for show, you can cut the coat shorter. Another option would be to cut the coat short, let it grow long and cut the coat short again, and so on. You'll hardly have to groom your dog at all, but when you do have to, it raises your grooming bills.
Fearless, Yorkies think that they are tough. And they'll take on anything they qualify as an enemy. "Enemies" may include children, so because of that, Yorkies are only good with adults and singles, (preferably singles.) Dental attention is the thing to be very alert about in this terrier's health.
A small, energetic, luxurious beauty, the Yorkie is a pooch that anyone with eyes can see is unique, and remarkable!


If you have a Boxer, than you know what toughness and power is all about. But despite that previous sentence, Boxers are said to be clownish and outgoing. Boxers are one of those German breeds, and if boxing is popular in Germany, it may explain why Boxers tend to have a habit. A habit of Boxing. They'll try to box you with their large paws. Boxers likely got the named from that habit.
Boxers come in brindle, fawn, fawn with white markings, and white. Boxers have an undershot jaw, giving it a very strong bite. But it isn't a throbbing bite. Many people have seen worse. But Boxers rarely make attempts to hurt their owners. When they box, it isn't that hard on you. Severe Boxer injuries typically only happen by accident. Boxers have very muscular, strong bodies. But the skeleton on this breed is weak.
So unfortunately, this dog can have some skeletal problems. Respiratory issues, displacia, bloat, overheating, and skin problems are also health concerns in the breed. But the leading cause of death in the Boxer is cancer. If not treated as soon as possible, cancer could kill a boxer.
But of all the "mediumish-largish" sized breeds, Boxers are one of the loyalist, most loving, most reliable you can find!


Dachshunds are a heavily celebrated dog. They are well-known as "Wiener Dogs," and "Hot Dogs." Widely adored as a companion dog, it seems that Dachshund's popularity levels keep getting bigger all of the time. But things can get long about this pooch, too. The longest? Perhaps his body. The body is long, and that's how the Dachshund got the nickname "Hot Dog!"
There are so many Dachshunds to choose from. Either Long-haired, Wire-haired, or Short-haired, Miniature, or Standard, or Puppy, or adult, it's no wonder you'll find Dachshunds so intriguing! The legs on the dachshund are short. This presents health problems, so the best place to get a Dachshund from is a reputable breeder. In fact, that is one of two good places to get a dog in general. Experts advise not to get dogs from pet stores. The reason for that is puppy mills are likely to happen. A Puppy Mill is when puppies are poorly treated. When they grow up, they may end up in pet stores. To avoid a lack of health and prevent puppy mills, adopt from a breeder or shelter.
If you want a watchdog, you may want be a watchful person yourself. Dachshunds are sometimes too good. They have a loud bark, and when they hear something, the barking goes on for minutes. Even if the dog is hears a sound that seems peculiar to him, he'll fall to pieces. Being fragile, mature families are the best for this breed.
Dachshunds may be extremely stubborn, but at least when you adopt this dog, you'll have a supposedly hardy, persistent, loving, low maintenance companion dog with a devotion to you that knows no bounds!

Labrador Retriever

Every dog has his day, but if you own a Labrador, then you'll have a great day everday-and so will your dog. Labs are the most popular dog breed. Unsurprisingly, it seems that labs can be found in almost any neightborhood. It's typical to see these guys everwhere. So you'd be surprised that this dog originated off the coast in Newfoundland. Where on the coast was this dog made? Near the beaches of the Labrador Sea. And that's how the breed got the name.
The full name is Labrador Retriever. But some call it the Labrador, and occasionally, some folks name the breed "the Lab." The Lab may not be on the top 5 list for intelligent dogs, but they are on the top 10 list.
Labs have been heroes during 911, risking their lives as they shaved other's. The breed is also popular as service and police dogs. There are three coat colors: Black, Chocolate, and yellow. Webbed paws, strong, musclar limbs, and a thick tail helped this dog be good at retrieving water game.
Constantly happy, the lab has a tail that constantly wags. If you are a tidy person, this breed may not be a good fit due to the reason that it sheds heavily. But most owners ignore the heavy shedding. This dog needs some running space. It requires daily exercise, as physical activity is a priority to the breed. But the shedding and required exercise hardly should do any damage to you and your dog's bond, right?

Golden Retriever

Golden Retrievers are a loyal, long-haired, large, graceful dog that has people go crazy for them. The Golden is a very popular retriever. He's feisty, and is extremely outgoing, and loving. Goldens were obviously bred to retrieve vermin. Like most retrievers, Golden retrievers have soft mouths. This way, the dog could carry an animal without hurting it. Labs also have soft mouths.
Golden retrievers have been used as dogs in sports movies. One was used to make several Air Bud movies. This dog is certainly athletic, but you have to train him to play basketball and soccer. To train them to fetch-you don't have to. A mature Golden will run after anything you throw. That shows all of the retrieving in his blood. The coat is weather-resistant. But it is a long coat, and spurs can get easily get caught in it. This dog comes in any color that is similar to gold.
If you could make a list of the top 5 smartest breeds, the Golden would be #3. That makes them easily trainable. But do training early just for a good cause. You may want to train your dog not to be mouthy. Not only is this breed #3 for intelligence, but he is also #3 for being likely to bite things. Not only the children and you, but underwear, the sofa, pillows, clothes, and other possessions.
Golden retrievers should get daily exercise. Their athletic nature makes them prone to bloating and displacia. Another problem in the breed is cancer, a very authentic health problem in the breed. So be sure that your Golden's parents did not have cancer-related problems. But taking good care of your dog is the best you can do. If your dog knows that, he'll love you for life!